Guided bone regeneration
Guided bone Regeneration, or GBR, is a surgical procedure that can be utilized in some situations to regenerate or regrow bone previously lost to periodontal/gum disease or atrophy. This increases the support for teeth or implants. This treatment can only be applied in some situations and the key to success is careful case selection. Dr. Seale will evaluate your case and advise you if GBR is right for you.
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The procedure
The GBR procedure begins with obtaining surgical access to the involved area. Any involved teeth, implants, or bone defects are then carefully cleaned and debrided. Once the bony defect has been cleaned and isolated, a bone graft material is inserted to fill the defect and a barrier membrane is placed over the bone graft. Finally, the gum tissues are sutured closed over the bone graft and membrane.

Our step by step process to get you back the smile you deserve.
01. Clear communication
Dr. Seale and his staff will be happy to help guide you through treatment processes to ensure that you understand your options and benefits.
02. Diagnosis
During your initial exam, Dr. Seale will evaluate your specific needs by performing a thorough examination. He will then advise you of your best treatment options.
03. Treatment
Each patient is different and Dr. Seale will recommend treatment to set the patient up for the best possible chance at success.
04. Maintenance
Periodontal maintenance is a professional cleaning procedure where a hygienist thoroughly cleans the teeth. Maintenance care is critical to maintain a healthy beautiful smile.
01. What bone graft material is used for GBR?
The bone graft material most commonly used for GBR grafting is cadaver bone that has been treated and sterilized to make it safe. The graft material acts as a scaffold that allows your own living bone to grow back through and fill the bony defect. As your new bone grows, the graft material resorbs/dissolves away. This process generally takes 3-6 months to occur, but can take longer in some cases or with larger grafts.
02. What are the benefits of GBR?
The benefits of GBR include increasing your body’s natural ability to heal and repair, reducing pocket depths, and reversing some of the damage caused by progression of periodontal disease.

Insurance providers we accept
We are not an in network provider, but will help you file your dental insurance! Insurance Information.
Some of our providers